Seaham Sea Glass
People often ask, “Why is there sea glass at Seaham?” It is due to the old glasswork factories that were based in Seaham and Sunderland.
What Is Beachcombing?
Beachcombing is when you visit a beach intending to look for items of interest to you, this could be seaglass, pottery, marbles, bottle stoppers and even trash.
What is Pirate Glass?
Something that many people wonder about is what is pirate glass? There are so many different types and colours of sea glass that it can be difficult to keep up with them all.
What is sea glass worth?
The value of seaglass can differ from one person to the next, what one person sees as valuable another won’t. As the saying goes “something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay”
Is Uranium Glass Safe
You may have identified that you have uranium Seaglass in your collection and are probably wondering, is uranium glass safe?
Scottish Pottery – Spongeware & Transferware
People have been using clay to make objects for domestic use for thousands of years.
Beachcombing On The Thames
The River Thames is a river that flows through southern England, including London.
Beachcombing Tips
Beachcombing is my absolute favourite pastime, and it’s something that can be done in all weathers. The best time of the year to go beachcombing is actually during the winter months
How To Identify Uranium Glass
Seaglass is an excellent find on its own, but a piece of seaglass that glows is even more amazing. Glowing seaglass is called uranium glass.
Why Are There So Many Marbles On The Beach?
People often ask why are there so many marbles on the beach? this article, we will give a thorough explanation.
Frozen Charlotte
Frozen Charlotte is a white porcelain doll created in the 18th century in Germany.
What is Uranium Glass?
Many beachcombers come across unusual finds at the beach without even knowing it. Seaglass is an amazing find in itself, but finding a piece of glass that glows under UV light is something extraordinary.