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Write for us

If you have visited tourist attractions in and around the UK and want to tell others about the incredible things you’ve seen and done, we’d love to have your contribution on our website. Send us an email at with your story.

What you need to do

If you want your article to appear on our website, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. You work as a freelance writer and have a passion for exploring and going to new, interesting new places.
  2. You maintain an active blog that features content that is both unique and interesting.
  3. The articles you write for us should be in the style of whats already published and should be informative and unique.
  4. Any content that has been previously published on another website will not be published, so check for plagerism before submitting your article.
  5. There should be no more than one follow link to a blog or website in the article.
  6. Before you submit your article, make sure that it is written entirely in English and that it has been proofread.
  7. Must include a minimum of 1500 words with researched keywords.
  8. Should include good quality images and videos to enhance the experience of the reader. Any images or videos submitted must be owned by you or be sourced from royalty-free stock photography sites. takes full ownership of any articles, videos, or pictures that are sent to us. Once the material is published on our website, you will no longer own it or have the rights to use it on any other website.

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